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Friday, April 29, 2011

All About The Enchanting Food We Call Chocolate(TESTING WINDOWS LIVE )

Almost everyone I have ever met loves chocolate.  The best thing about chocolate is that it comes in many different shapes and sizes, including white chocolate, hot chocolate, fudge, and even chocolate chip cookies.  Another great attribute of chocolate is that it tastes good with almost anything, so you can always work in a little chocolate with most meals.  Most people I know believe that chocolate makes them feel good after they eat it.  Chocolate is also one of the most popular gifts to give to your loved one on Valentine’s Day, because it makes people feel more sensual.  Some people believe that this good feeling is just in your head and that it happens just because you think you are feeling better.  However chocolate contains many different chemicals in it that help to cause chemical reactions that truly can make you feel better.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

History of Chocolate

Chocolate has been a favorite of man for thousands of years. Ancient people brewing the seeds of the cacao tree into a yummy beverage was the beginning of the wide assortment of chocolates that we enjoy today.

chocolate was discovered by European conquests, it became a treat only the wealthiest could afford. Not only was chocolate expensive, but it was bitter. Sugar and spices used to sweeten it were expensive too and out of the common man's reach. It was in the 1800's that the industrial age and mass production made chocolate candy affordable for everyone.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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my first test for twitter synchro twitter rock

Friday, April 1, 2011